FOOTBALL fan Darren Bernstein has achieved a rare academic goal, landing a dream job in America.

Darren (25) of Ripon Avenue, Whitefield, has graduated with a unique International Masters degree in law, management and humanities of sport.

He is now off to Atlanta, to begin a job in football marketing at the headquarters of sponsorship giants Coca-Cola.

But the prestigious overseas surroundings will not be too strange for the former Manchester Grammar pupil. As part of his course, sponsored by the Federation of International Football Associations (FIFA), Darren studied at Switzerland's University of Neuchatel and Milan's Bocconi University, as well as De Montfort University in Leicester.

The new job will see Darren involved in commercial football marketing and sports development at the highest level.

The former leisure consultant, who supports Bury FC, said: "The job, and the accommodation, out there sound brilliant. It won't just be about looking at football in America, but across the whole world."