LEYLAND police launched a ground-breaking new scheme on Friday (July 20) to cut down on underage drinking in the town.

As part of Operation Calm officers will regularly be patrolling 'hot spots' -- where children often congregate to drink alco' pops and beers -- to confiscate their alcohol.

Citizen reporter Ben Hewes went out onto the streets of Leyland with officers to see the operation in action.

Police admit that drinking on the streets is a regular occurrence among children in the town and a problem which police are tackling through a three-pronged approach. Sgt Neil Sladen, who came up with the idea for the scheme, explained: "To try and solve this problem we are doing three main things -- patrolling hot spots, visiting off-licenses, and meeting people who have made complaints about children who they see drinking.

"We are not trying to force children off the streets if they aren't doing anything wrong. That would do no good at all.

"If they are just meeting up and talking, there is nothing wrong with that. But underage drinking on the streets is against the law, pure and simple.

"When we went out on Friday for the launch of the operation, we had a headmaster with us. This had a great effect, especially when the kids saw him.

"As soon as he climbed out of the van they called him 'sir' and handed over their bottles. We confiscated a lot of alcohol."

Under new laws it is now illegal for adults to buy alcohol on behalf of children.

Officers are aware that alternatives to drinking must be found for the children if they are to combat the problem.

A special football match is being arranged between local children and the police, and whenever youngsters are stopped by officers they are given a list of activities available for them in the area.
