THE Lancashire TUC has expressed grave concern at recent events in Oldham, Burnley and Accrington. We oppose the racists whose aim is to divide communities for their own vicious ends.

The racist and fascist organisers of the British National Party and National Front are seeking to exploit community tensions and should be denied a platform for their views in our communities and the media.

Those who use violence to deny the rights of others should not be given publicity to spread their thuggery.

We are supporting a major anti-racist event in Oldham in the autumn and activity by local trade unions, trade union councils and local anti-racist/anti-fascist organisations. The trade union movement is also planning to produce a regional leaflet against racism and fascism for use by local unions and trade union councils.

Political action to improve the qualify of life in the towns of East Lancashire and Manchester is essential. Investment in education, housing and employment for all parts of the community should be a top priority to create social progress and tackle exclusion. Sensitive policing and greater cross-community representation in police ranks is needed to remove distrust and create confidence.

PETER BILLINGTON, Secretary, Lancashire Association of Trade Union Councils.