SOARING temperatures brought sunny smiles to the faces of Fylde folk making the most of the Spanish-style hot spell.

But shorts and T-shirts are set to be confined to the back of the wardrobe with weather forecasters predicting showers, clouds and even the odd thunderstorm for the coming week.

Sunday looks to have the best prospects for a return to sunshine.

Sean Clarke, spokesman for the Met Office, said: "We are anticipating some scattered showers and temperatures will be down. There will be more cloud so it will feel cooler. There will be a 20-degree high at the weekend with sunshine in the morning. Sunday will be the most reliable day. It will be dry all day."

Tourism in the area has been given a boost by the heat-wave. Katherine O'Connor, Blackpool Council's tourism and advertising manager, said: "We are delighted with this spell of hot weather, and just hope it continues.

"There has been a significant increase in the number of visitors to the town, especially because it has coincided with the main part of the school holidays."