ARTIST Maria Bertolone, from Bispham, is staging an exhibition of watercolours, oils, pencil drawing and miniature paintings and prints -- including local scenes -- at Fleetwood Library until Saturday, August 18.

A BEACH summer play scheme is being held from 10.30am to noon and 1pm to 2.30pm at the Marine Gardens and beach on Friday, August 3. It is open to eight to 11-year-olds accompanied by an adult. Activities include parachute games, rounders, face painting and a sandcastle competition.

A NATURAL history adult workshop on dragonflies will run at Fleetwood Museum on Saturday, August 4, between 10am and 4pm. Booking is essential on 01995 602125.


OSTEOPATH Barbara Evans will the guest speaker at Fylde Backcare's monthly meeting at South Shore Day Hospital on Wednesday, August 22, at 7.30pm.

AN OPEN day will be held at Layton Permanent Allotments, Beckway Avenue, off Grange Road, on Sunday, August 19, between 11am and 3pm. It will feature displays, tours and vegetable-growing advice, garden tools, produce and bric-a-brac sales, and information about renting a plot.


WYRE Borough Council is supporting the "Martin Scott Price and the Fun Bus" visit to Victoria Road, Cleveleys, between 1pm and 4pm on Friday, August 3.


THE 30th annual Model Railway Exhibition will be staged by Lytham St Annes Railway Society at the Lowther Pavilion and Gardens this weekend, August 4 and 5. The exhibition will be open between 10am and 6pm each day.