THE forecast looks grey for plans for a sun lounge extension at Shawcroft, Goodshawfold Close, Loveclough.

Officers are asking members of Rossendale engineering and planning sub-committee to refuse planning permission on the grounds that it would be detrimental to the area.

A report to the committee says that permission for the bungalow was granted in 1998.

Concerns were expressed at the time that the site had been indicated as a landscaped area and the introduction of a bungalow as an afterthought might impair the overall design of the development.

Councillors will be told that the proposed extension would contained a very large "picture window" overlooking the front garden of the neighbouring property five metres from the common boundary.

Officers say that not only does the proposal fail to secure adequate privacy for the occupants to secure peaceful enjoyment of their home it also fails to respect the privacy of highway users.

The visual appearance of the proposed extension would also be detrimental in its relationship to the bungalow it is reported.