RESIDENTS opposing plans to build an electro plating industrial unit near their homes have given a petition to one of the ward councillors.

Coun Tony Lambert is supporting the residents of Healey Wood, Burnley, in their campaign against plans by RS Plating to move from an industrial estate to Springhill Road.

Coun Lambert has written to planning chairman, Coun David Halsall and planning services officer Paul Skinner, expressing his concern.

Residents plan to attend the planning committee on Thursday next week to voice their objections.

Coun Lambert said: "The firm use the process of electro magnetic plating which involved chemical processes.

"They also on occasions operate 24 hours a day and certainly until late in the evening. The factory operates seven days a week."

He added: "The close proximity to residential dwellings is a major cause of concern.

"I would strongly oppose this development and request the application be refused."

Residents claim the proposed unit on land at the rear of the former Elgin factory could be a health hazard and also object to possible noise and smell nuisances, traffic dangers and loss of general amenities.

RS Plating managing director Steve Preston has denied there would be a health hazard and has pointed out that the company's operations are closely monitored by the Environment Agency and North West Water.

The company employs six and deals mainly with silver plating of electrical goods.