A TEENAGE girl, one of six children charged with the manslaughter of Nelson pensioner Sheila Bridge, appeared at Reedley Youth Court yesterday charged with assault.

The 13-year-old, currently remanded to local authority care, pleaded not guilty to causing actual bodily harm to another girl on April 14 in Nelson.

Her case has been adjourned on several occasions to allow the prosecution to supply the defence with video evidence, to allow the girl to offer a plea and for a third time on July 2 when she was appearing in another court in relation to the manslaughter charge.

She will appear at Preston Youth Court on September 18 for a pre-trial review.

The 13-year-old and the other five children -- charged with the manslaughter and burglary at Lansbury Place, in Nelson, on June 26 -- also appeared separately before the youth panel yesterday on charges of conspiracy to commit burglary.

The court heard how the charges related to several houses in the vicinity of Lansbury Place, between January 1 and June 29 this year, occupied by elderly and vulnerable people and targeted mainly at night.

This case was adjourned until August 20 so the proscution could supply the defence with forensic and interview evidence.

All six children, aged between ten and 15 years, are already due to appear in court on that date in relation to the previous charges of manslaughter and burglary.

The ten, 11 and 14-year-old boys are also charged with criminal damage to a cell and toilet at Pennine Magistrates Court on July 2 and the 15-year-old boy is charged with a burglary at Bennett Place on June 26.

The ten, 11 and 13-year-olds will remain in separate local authority care, the 12 and 14-year-olds in secure accommodation and the 15-year-old at a remand centre during the next two weeks.