EMPLOYERS of the teenager killed in a road accident when he lost control of his vehicle today paid tribute to the former Clitheroe schoolboy.

Thomas Carr, 19, of Dockmire Farm, in Chapel Street, Slaidburn, died on Sunday after being thrown out of his Land Rover Defender.

He lost control of the vehicle on a left-hand bend and collided with some trees.

He was travelling along Settle Road towards Clitheroe when the accident happened, three miles north of the Copy Nook Hotel, about 3.30am.

Police investigating the incident are still appealing for witnesses as the only information they have so far is from a passing motorist who discovered the wreckage.

Thomas, a former pupil at Bowland County High School, joined Clitheroe-based firm James Alpe Ltd as an apprentice painter 10 months ago.

Today Mr Alpe, owner of the accident repair centre, said Thomas had been good friends with most of the 50 workers at the site and everyone was shocked by his death.

He said: "We are all deeply saddened by what has happened. He was a nice lad. Very quiet and kept himself to himself.

"He was particularly good friends with the lads in the paint shop where he worked. He will be greatly missed by us all."