PENDLE Council was ranked one of the top 10 local authorities to have improved its council tax collection rate during the past year, according to government figures.

Pendle's collection rate increased by two per cent to 92.2 per cent.

Councillor Azhar Ali, leader of Pendle Council, said: "This improvement reflects the work that has been done in sending out bills earlier, speeding up reminder procedures and making effective use of recovery actions open to the council.

"Further actions are in place to continue the improvement in the current financial year. It must be remembered that the council eventually collects nearly 99 per cent of taxes due when all recovery actions have been exhausted.

"Council tax collection in East Lancashire has been historically difficult due to the high level of deprivation in boroughs such as Pendle. The council will again lobby Central Government to lower the council tax on low value properties when the valuation system is reviewed in 2005."