ITAKE issue with the executive member for regeneration Councillor Ashley Whalley, about the statement in which he infers that Mr Jeff Stone has been responsible for the regeneration of Blackburn town centre being delayed (LET, August 16).

Jeff Stone was one of many on the Chamber of Trade who had major concerns as to how the closure of Church Street would affect the businesses of their members.

Unfortunately, Coun Whalley seems not to understand the world 'consultation.' In a democracy, it means talking and listening to people and addressing their genuine concerns.

Coun Whalley should talk to Bill Taylor who, to his credit, as soon as he was elected leader of the council introduced an email address whereby people could contact him with any concerns they had.

Unfortunately, Coun Whalley would sooner abuse a respected businessman because he dares to suggest that his masterplan to regenerate the town centre might be suspect.

COUN D PEARSON, Rawstorne Street, Blackburn.