IREAD with a great deal of interest the article (LET, August 16) regarding the finding of cobblestones during the renovation work being carried out in the Church Street and Darwen Street areas of Blackburn -- that is, until I came to the last paragraph, where Councillor Ashley Whalley stated that, through objections raised by Mr Jeff Stone, the scheme had been unduly delayed.

He needs reminding that he has a duty as a person elected by the people to serve their best interests, to listen to all objections and observations of any scheme or plan which the council puts forward for discussion.

This is democracy -- the foundation this country was built on. Coun Whalley should also remember that the people of Blackburn and Darwen pay him his large expenses for the privilege of being a councillor.

He would be advised to spend more time listening, as his colleagues do, and less time making statements to get unwarranted press coverage for his attitude to the regeneration of Blackburn with Darwen.

ANN LAW RIDING (Mrs), (Chairman, Blackburn Conservative Association), St Michael's Court, Blackburn.