A MAN caused a scene at a neighbouring couple's home after taking a mixture of drink and drugs, a court heard.

Duncan Campbell banged on a door and window of the property, causing damage. Later he was involved in a struggle with police after they spotted him holding a hunting style knife.

The 26 year old of Belle Vue Street, Blackburn appeared for sentence at Preston Crown Court. He had pleaded guilty to two charges of affray and one of damage.

Miss Rachael Woods, prosecuting, said it was the night of March 23rd this year when Campbell started banging on the front of the couple's property as well as shouting aggressively.

The defendant then started banging on a window. The couple alerted their brother-in-law next door and the police were called.

Campbell was later seen stood in the hallway of the couple's home, carrying something like an ice pick.

Miss Woods said that a police support unit was asked to go outside the defendant's home.

Police entered wearing protective equipment and were met by Campbell holding a hunting style knife. He failed to drop it when asked and then appeared to lunge towards police.

Officers had a struggle to disarm him.

Following arrest Campbell made a statement in which he said he had no recollection of what happened that night, due to a mixture of drink and drugs.

Judge Pamela Badley considered pre sentence and psychiatric reports in the case. She acknowledged the defendant had spent five months on remand and passed a twelve months jail sentence.