DANIEL Murray admitted to police called to a disturbance in Dickinson Close that he had thrown a sheath knife into a nearby garden.

Blackburn magistrates heard that Murray had not brandished the knife and if he had not told police where it was he would not have been in court.

Murray, 19, of Skye Crescent, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to possessing a knife in a public place.

The case was adjourned until September 14 so the magistrates could be given details of a conditional discharge imposed in May for an offence of assault.

Silvia Dacre, prosecuting, said Murray had confirmed to the police there had been an altercation and when he knew they were coming he had thrown the knife over a garden wall.

He said it was in his pocket because he was taking his nephew fishing the next day.

Elliot Taylforth, defending, said Murray was stood outside the house when the police arrived.

"If he had remained in the house there would not have been an offence," said Mr Taylforth.

"Having left the house and thrown the knife away, if he had kept his mouth shut there would have been no knife found and there would have been no offensive weapon to form the charge."