OUR North West Church of England Diocese is facing the loss of 20 vicars because of a £700,000 funding cut, not to mention a national shortfall of £12million.

Never mind, Blackburn Cathedral has been given a £100,000 'belly button' sculpture that won't do much to encourage regular worshippers to give extra as is being encouraged.

Bishop Alan Chesters can't justify such extravagance when there are many desperately needy people on his doorstep.

I'm a volunteer at the Blackburn Churches Action furniture store and in the last four years that I have worked there, the needs of local people for the very basics have become more desperate.

I'm sure they love looking up at the Cathedral's wonderful sculpture before they go to a cold and empty home.

DINO CHRISTODOULOU, Yates Fold, Rockcliffe Street, Blackburn.