IAM 85 years young and I have travelled extensively, but never in any town, city or country that I have visited have I seen so many untidy and scruffily dressed women as I see in Blackburn.

I am sure that mirrors are obselete in many homes. Perhaps if women looked into one occasionally, they would see themselves as others see them.

Very few of the women that I have observed have ever visited a hairdressing salon. They look as though they have been dragged backwards through a hedge.

The days of the wolf whistle have long gone. Why? -- because what lad would whistle after a woman dressed in rumpled trousers, wearing boots or shoes that were once white and hair that has never seen a comb or brush?

Smarten yourselves up, ladies, because 99.99 per cent of you are not worth a second glance and the remaining 0.01 per cent is doubtful.

When I was a little lad, only men and young lads wore trousers and the girls wore a smart dress or custome. Also, they did not smoke in the street or drink pints of ale. Women knew their place in those days -- the kitchen.

LESLIE JONES, Aviemore Close, Audley, Blackburn.