A FULL review of the use of Ringstone Crescent recreation ground, Nelson, could be carried out, following complaints by residents about flying cricket balls damaging their property.

Members of the Nelson Committee will recommend to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee that a review be carried out before it is decided whether cricket should be allowed to continue there on the ground.

The Services Committee decided in August 2000 that the cricket should be allowed to continue until the end of the 2001 season and that the situation be monitored.

There has been 28 official matches played there during the season.

As of August 23 this year, three written complaints and a small number of telephone complaints have been made to the services manager about property and vehicles being hit or damaged by cricket balls and the general nuisance caused by the cricketers.

Residents have raised concerns over the suitability of the Crescent for the current day requirements.

The parks department recommended that cricket should continue but, where possible, be restricted to the middle wicket, which is the safest. It was also suggested that where there is need for more than one wicket, cricket could be accommodated at Swinden Playing Fields.