MEMBERS of the Colne and District Committee will tonight discuss options for preventing unauthorised motorcyclists from using Holt House and Alkincoats Park, in Colne.

During the last few months reports have been received by the council's parks, cemeteries and outdoor recreation department and the police from various sources, including local residents, councillors, sporting organisations and council staff.

A report to the committee said: "The damaged caused by these motorcycles to the flora and fauna, particularly within the new woodlands, is starting to cause an imbalance to the ecosystem which will in time reduce or destroy the natural habitats.

"The safety of not only the wildlife but that of authorised and sensible users is being put at risk by unauthorised motorcyclists."

Council planning officers have recommended several options, which include providing fencing and gates at various points around Holt House and the park and making sure that anyone found riding motorcycles in an unacceptable way is dealt with.