PERMISSION to replace a garage with an industrial building at JA Transport in Foulridge could be granted by councillors, despite opposition from residents and the parish council.

Change of use proposals, which would involve demolishing the existing commercial garage buildings on the site at Station Road Garage and replacing them with a portal frame industrial unit, were deferred from the Colne and District Committee's August meeting to allow a site visit by members.

It is intended to transfer the existing operations of Concept Staging from Eden Works, in Earby, to this site to work alongside JA Transport, which is under the same directorship.

Nine letters of objection have been submitted by residents in Railway Street, Station Road an Abner Row and Foulridge Parish Council has expressed its concerns regarding the consequences of the application.

They include a reduction of light to 15 Railway Street, the views from houses in Robinson Street and Railway Street being blocked, increased noise levels, traffic and parking and too many industrial/business uses in the village.

Despite their concerns, planning officers have recommended the application for approval subject to 14 conditions, involving approved road surfacing, a scheme of landscaping, water drainage system, a contamination assessment of the land, external materials and noise levels.

Working hours and deliveries would be restricted between the hours of 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday, 8am to noon on Saturdays and not at all on Sundays and Bank Holidays.

A decision will be made at the meeting of the Colne and District Committee.