THERE isn't much wrong with the youth of today when a group of them can take the trouble to help the needy in far-off lands.

We should applaud the thoughtful, caring youngsters who gave their time to travel to Romania with the Lowton Churches Romania Appeal group, helping orphans and the disabled. Deserving a special mention is the youngest member of the party, 10-year-old Dale Simpson, who got on his bike to raise a magnificent £1,000 in sponsorship. Well done! Total stupidity PEOPLE with sick minds and a totally irresponsible attitude have been carrying out a series of idiotic arson attacks. On one night alone, firefighters were called out nine times to deal with a series of fires in the Atherton and Tyldesley areas. Crews dealt with blazing cars along with scorched bushes, burning rubbish, an empty shop fire and a wheelie bin that obviously hadn't been a victim of spontaneous combustion. A total waste of emergency resources. Truly sincere THE Searchlight mission was launched on Tuesday night -- kick-starting a week-long series of events aimed at serving the community. It is refreshing to see a group of people who aren't interested in self-promotion, but just want to help others and tell them that God loves them -- with no strings attached. On the opening night, there was a free banquet for healthcare and education professionals but apparently, a lot of people had difficulty accepting that the meal was free and wondered what the catch was.