A PROVERB says: "Faithful are the wounds of a friend." Proverbs 27:6. This would be a good motto for the Royal College of Surgeons, who cut in order to cure!

A truly faithful friend is someone who loves us so much that they have the courage to risk hurting us in order to explain where we're wrong.

Because none of us are perfect, "True love never runs smooth," but when a couple are afraid to tell each other their faults in case there's a row, this shows there is not a truly loving relationship. Ideally, when two people love Jesus, then their home will be furnished with His Free Peace Sweet!

Another proverb says: "Do not reprove a scoffer, lest he hate you. Rebuke a wise man and he will love you." Proverbs 9:8 A wise person will humbly accept a rebuke and be grateful that someone is concerned about their welfare. But even when a rebuke is unloving and unjust, the following three rules about criticism are true: expect it, examine it and endure it.

There's nearly always a grain of truth in any criticism, so if we examine it, we may find a nugget of golden wisdom that's far more valuable than gold.

The proverb also warns us not to reprove a scoffer, "Lest he hate you."

It's sad when a faithful friend is hated by someone who is too proud to accept a reproof. Jesus spoke about this kind of person when He said: "Don't cast your pearls before swine." Matthew 7:6 Just as pigs trample on pearls, don't waste time on people who don't appreciate your pearls of wisdom.

Christ knew the worst about us, yet He loved us enough to die so that we can be forgiven. He's the most faithful friend we can ever have.

David V Jebson