HAVING seen TV pictures of fire trucks and police going into devastated Lower New York to search for survivors and travelling through rows of people with signs saying 'You are our heroes,' what a far cry it is from the Fishmoor estate, in Blackburn, where fire chiefs have threatened to stop fighting fires if groups of youths do not stop attacking them (LET, September 14).

Do these young people and their parents not realise that, in some cases, they are putting people's lives at risk?

The men and women of all three services -- fire, police and ambulance -- risk their lives every day to save and protect everyone in our borough. They may not be in New York, but to me they are our heroes.

These idiots who call them out to ambush and to throw stones at them should give it a rest. One day, they may need their help.

ROY DAVIES, Olive Lane, Darwen.