REGARDING his previous comments about the appearance of today's women, Leslie Jones (Letters September 21) claims that he is not a misogynist.

After reading his remarks, I believe he is -- and perhaps also a misanthropist with a hatred of human society.

Humanity was put upon this earth in male and female form. Our Creator did not make us to dominate the female. From, my calculations of when he was born, Mr Jones probably fought wars and has done his best. But women stood by their men during that time and they were not in the kitchen.

They toiled to keep our country alive. They brought up the children alone, when the men were at war.

So please explain, did the ladies have time to dress up? Please, Mr Jones, take a good look at yourself and stop looking at people from the outside -- what matters is within.

MS J DUCKWORTH, Quebec Road, Lammack, Blackburn.