BLACKBURN boss Graeme Souness has turned to former Liverpool hot-shot Dean Saunders as the man to solve his side's striking problems.

The veteran Welsh international is currently training with Rovers in a bid to keep fit as he attempts to find himself a new club.

And, while he is resident at Brockhall, Souness has invited the 37-year-old to become a temporary striker coach to Matt Jansen and Ciccio Grabbi in a bid to get his two star men firing.

Rovers' misfortune infront of goal has cost them points during the opening eight games of the season.

But Souness hopes Saunders' vast experience will rub off on his young charges as he looks for the goals his side's performances have merited. Saunders said: "When I first started training with Blackburn Graeme then asked me if I'd have a look at the strikers for him and it all stemmed from there."

"Matt and Ciccio are both great players but neither of them are particularly experienced.

"So I've been trying to help them while also training to keep myself fit as well.

"It's a bit difficult at the moment because of all the games and what not.

"But I'm really just trying to give them a bit of advice and work on a bit of shooting as well.

"There's all sorts of things I can do with them and with all my experience it would have been a bit out of order of me not to try and pass that on."

Souness knows all about Saunders' pedigree having signed him on three separate occasions for Liverpool, Benfica and Galatasaray.

And, with nearly 200 league goals to his name, he knows more than most about putting the ball in the back of the net.

"I think the main thing is the team's creating chances at the moment," said Saunders.

"At Bradford, for instance, we weren't creating chances last season and that soon becomes disheartening for the guys upfront.

"But Rovers are creating chances and it's just a case of getting people on the end of them. With the quality of strikers there is here, it won't be long before the goals start to come.

"Strikers go through lucky patches when everything you hit goes in like it has for Michael Owen recently.

"But you've got to work hard because that doesn't just happen.

"Matt and Ciccio have got to get used to passing to each other.

"It takes time to learn to play with a partner and my belief is you've got to get on.

"He's got to be your best friend as well as your partner.

"And I believe it's only a matter of time before they start putting the chances away."

From what he has seen of the team as a whole, however, he soon expects results to pick up, particularly away from home.

"Graeme has got a group of good, young players and what has impressed me is their attitude and eagerness to learn," said Saunders.

"Alan Mahon, Damien Duff and David Dunn have all caught my eye, as have Keith Gillespie and Matt Jansen.

"And Brad Friedel, who I played with in Turkey, has been magnificent since I came to the club.

"But you can go right through the team and there's quality where ever you look.

"The main thing I've been impressed with is their willingness to run.

"I came from Bradford who were in the Premiership last season and when I compare the two sides Blackburn are streets ahead.

"I think the big difference is the amount of legs they've got.

"They've got plenty of people capable of getting up and down the pitch and when the ball drops they can get there.

"Along with that, they've also got people like Matt and Ciccio who can turn a game in a split second.

"The reason they've not got as many points as they'd have liked so far is purely down to the fact they haven't had any luck since I arrived.

"Keith Gillespie missed a great chance down at Ipswich which might have seen them win 2-1 and the same happened to Dunny at Villa on Sunday.

"When your luck's in, those tend to go in for you."