A MAN suffered burns to his face when trying to light a gas fire.

Leaking gas flared into the face of Mark Faron, 26, as he tried to light the fire at a house in Laithe Street, Burnley.

He was taken to Burnley General Hospital for treatment.

Ambulance and fire service crews were called to the house at about 1.15am.

Fire and rescue service Station Officer Duncan Emmett said: "We got the call as a person reported trapped.

"When we arrived the ambulance was already there and a man was receiving treatment for facial burns."

Mr Emmett added: "He had turned the gas fire on but the mechanism was sticking.

"Some gas was coming out without it being ignited and when he bent down to light it with a cigarette lighter it flashed back at him in his face."

No fire damage was caused and other occupants of the house were advised to have the fire checked before further use.