PLANS to increase the number of antennae and dishes on the Pendle Forest transmitter station at Newchurch-in-Pendle have been recommended for approval by the council's planning department.

The proposals are for two dipole antennae at 28 metres high for the transmission of digital audio broadcasting signals, two log periodic antenna for TV reception at 23 metres high and one 0.6 metre dish for digital audio broadcasting at 35 metres.

Two large trough antennae will be removed to make room for the log periodic antenna.

A report to the West Craven Committee pointed out that none of the proposed antenna would relate to the BT Airwave TETRA system which has previously caused concern to residents who believe it is linked to health risks.

Despite this, the council has still received ten letters of objection from the residents of six nearby houses.

They were concerned that the proposal would increase the impact of the existing tower in the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and any additional radio emissions would result in greater perceived health risks.

The residents also said that previous reports had said the mast was full and unable to accommodate more antennae and they believed that the applicants should look elsewhere for a new site.

Planners believe the new antennae would not be noticeable among the existing antennae on the tower and would not affect the appearance of the area, and have said that radio emissions will be within nationally and internationally accepted guidelines.

The plans will be considered by members of the West Craven Committee tomorrow.