A NIGHT on the tiles ended as a night sleeping in his ex girlfriend's back garden for Mark Stevenson.

Blackburn magistrates heard that Stevenson had drunk between 17 and 20 pints before falling asleep outside the Whalley home of Judith Davies. When he awoke the next morning, he kicked in a window in the back door after twice failing to smash it by throwing a teracotta pot at it.

Stevenson, 39, of Railway View, Billington, pleaded guilty to criminal damage. He was given a conditional discharge for 12 months and ordered to pay £88 compensation and £55 costs.

Wendy Shackleton, prosecuting, said Stevenson had gone to Miss Davies' home in the early hours of the morning and he had clearly been drinking. She let him in and they talked until she asked him to leave.

"He left but fell asleep in the back yard," said Miss Shackleton. The following morning Stevenson banged on the door and said he wanted some clothes. When he was not allowed in he threw a teracotta pot at the window before smashing it.

Stephen Parker, defending, said the couple are still in contact and it was not a situation where Miss Davies had not wanted anything to do with the defendant.

He added that although Miss Davies would not let Stevenson in the house, she had gone to get him some clothes.

"He was not aware of that and, suffering from the effects of a hangover, smashed the glass panel in the door."