A MAN who refused to leave the area after being thrown out of a nightclub was bound over in the sum of £50 to keep the peace for six months by Blackburn magistrates.

The court heard that Michael Joseph Wright, 22, of Blackburn Road, Darwen, was ejected from Utopia nightclub and was refusing to leave the front steps. When police intervened he became abusive and was eventually arrested.

He admitted behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace.

Stephen Parker, defending, said it was another of those cases where the aggrieved made comment about the heavy handedness of some door staff.

He said Wright had been refused admission to the club because he had no identification and had promptly gone home and got some.

"He was allowed into the club, paid his money and was walking in when the doorman who had earlier refused him admission spotted him," said Mr Parker.

"He came charging over, said he had told my client once that he wasn't coming in and promptly threw him out. He was not ejected because of any trouble or anything like that.

"He was angry when the police came over to him and he accepts that his behaviour was not what it should have been," he added.