A DARWEN priest is worried that new parking regulations set to be introduced by the council will deter worshippers from coming to his church.

Father David Foster, of St Joseph's RC Church on the Bolton Road, says the proposed regulations, which would restrict parking on Mill Gap Street, would have an impact on many of the parishioners who worship at the church -- many of whom are elderly and do not want to have to park on the main Bolton Road.

If the regulations by Blackburn with Darwen council are imposed, no waiting will be allowed at any time on both sides of Mill Gap Street.

Fr Foster said the problem was that the church, which is 120 years old, was now surrounded by other buildings which had to be accessible to traffic and cars parked on Mill Gap Street could hinder this, especially if they were parked on both sides of it.

Kenley Warehousing is situated at the back of Mill Gap Street at Darwen Mill and the business operates from there seven days a week.

He said he understood the problems faced by Kenley Warehousing who needed access to their site but said he "couldn't believe" that these regulations might be introduced.

Fr Foster added that only recently a small car park to house 20 cars had been created near the church but apart from that there was only parking on Bolton Road or on Mill Gap Street.

He added a lot of older people who came to church were not able to walk far and would be put off coming if they had to cope with the busy main road.

He said: "It is difficult when performing weddings and funeral services because of where we are situated and closing the side street will make it worse."

No one from Blackburn with Darwen Council was available for comment at the time of going to press.