SHOP steward Gerard Kenny argued with police officers called by his wife because he was threatening violence towards her.

Blackburn magistrates heard that Kenny, an ex serviceman, challenged the officers to fight and when one took hold of him sank his teeth into the officer's forearm drawing blood and causing a puncture wound.

Kenny, 37, of Delphinium Way, Lower Darwen, pleaded guilty to using threatening behaviour and assaulting PC James Whitlock. He was made subject to a community rehabilitation order for 12 months with a condition that he attends a domestic violence prevention course.

He was also ordered to pay £25 compensation to PC Matthew Byers, £150 to PC Whitlock and £50 costs.

Neil White, prosecuting, said that when police arrived at Kenny's home he became aggressive towards them. He put on a Manchester United shirt and said he would get his mates from Salford to come and get them.

Elliot Taylforth, defending, said there had been an argument between Kenny, a shop steward at Crown Wallcoverings, and his partner.

"He had gone to bed and was in bed when the police arrived," said Mr Taylforth. "At the time he felt the police were wrong to enter his house when he was doing nothing unlawful.

"He regrets biting the officer and fully accepts that he has been prone to lapse into violent and aggressive behaviour. He would welcome the opportunity of addressing those problems."