A PHOTOGRAPHY group has been handed a £5,000 Lottery grant - to take pictures of old gasometers.

But the scheme has been blasted as a waste of money.

The new community group, called Brilliant f11, received an Awards for All lottery grant which will help young photographers record and exhibit some of East Lancashire's "architectural heritage".

The four-strong group will visit sites in Blackburn, Chorley and Preston, taking pictures of gasholders for an exhibition next year.

Group organiser Owen Hurcombe, originally from Blackburn and now living in Lawton Close, Wheelton, where the group is based, said: "The portfolio will emphasise the aesthetic nature of the structure and the final result will be exhibited at Cedar Farm Gallery in Mawdesley next year."

The 27-year-old added: "We are grateful to Chorley Borough Council's sport, arts and community development unit in giving us advice and help with the Lottery application forms."

But the project -- the first the new group is involved in -- was slammed by Eric Bell, leader of the Conservatives on Chorley Borough Council.

Coun Bell, who heads a group which is trying to get funding for a community hall in Whittle le Woods, which he represents as a councillor, said: "I know the Lottery has to diversify which groups get grants but I feel that taking photos of a load of old gasometers should not take priority over other genuine cases.

"We have been putting in a bid over the past two years for a grant for a Community Hall and are constantly told there is no money.

"We have had to cut back our plans each time and can only bid for £400,000. We would need at least £425,000 for the hall. They always say there is no money and then £5,000 is given for this."

Coun Cath Hoyle, executive member for sport, arts and community development, defended the cash.

She said: "This grant will allow young photographers in the rural areas to get some professional help and advice, as well as mount a challenging exhibition as part of next year's Spirit of Friendship celebrations around the Commonwealth Games.