A WOMAN made threats towards a social worker and his family in a series of menacing phone calls to his work and home numbers.

Blackburn magistrates heard that 22-year-old mother of three, Lisa Fitzmaurice, blamed Craig Docherty for her children being taken into care.

And a string of threats and allegations culminated with the chilling message "If I can't have my children, you can't have yours."

Fitzmaurice, of Poole Street, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to harassing Mr Docherty and the case was adjourned until October 22 for the preparation of pre sentence reports. A condition of bail is that she has no contact with Mr Docherty or any member of his immediate family.

Neil White, prosecuting, said Mr Docherty works for Lancashire Social Services and had been involved in the removal of Fitzmaurice's children and placing them in care.

Mr White said: "When they were placed in care she began to make threats and false allegations against him, all of which were logged. She blamed him and said he would pay."

Mr Docherty said he often felt threatened by the remarks but accepted it as part of his job. But that changed when calls began to be made to his home. Mr Docherty first became concerned after a call at 2.30am.

On another occasion Fitzmmaurice rang and he answered the phone some 30 times without speaking to ensure the calls were logged on her telephone account.

Fitzmaurice said that although Mr Docherty might be able to change his phone number he could not change his identity. She said she knew where he lived and became increasingly anbusive before eventually making the threat against Mr Docherty's children.

"The police were eventually called and when interviewed she admitted being responsible for the calls," said Mr White. "She denied making threats towards Mr Docherty's children."

Elliot Taylforth, defending, said: "She says that everything was directed towards Mr Docherty alone."

He said his client had three children and a failed marriage and that her ultimate aim was to get her children back.

"The custody battle hasn't always been smooth and she did feel that Mr Docherty was obstructing her."