A WOMAN who was attacked, along with her female partner, in front of her five children while on holiday spoke today about their ordeal.

The 25-year-old from Blackburn said she received a cut to her head after being struck with a bottle by a teenager.

Her 34-year-old partner needed 13 stitches and suffered two black eyes after the incident at the Presthaven Sands caravan park, Prestatyn, North Wales.

Since returning home on Sunday night she said they had already had to call the police because she thought she saw her attackers outside her home.

The woman, who asked not to be named, said: "We have been so scared since in case they come to get us. They know we are from Blackburn because we all wore Rovers shirts."

The incident happened on the last night of their week-long holiday in the resort.

She and her partner, who has five children aged between four and 15 from a previous relationship, were in the holiday site bar when a gang began to verbally abuse them.

She said: "They were taunting us, calling us a pair of lesbians.

"They were only young and they were drinking.

"I didn't see any parents with them.

"Then they said they wanted our eldest lad for a fight, even though he hadn't done anything all week."

The couple asked the caravan site's security people to walk them the 300 yards to their caravan -- but she thinks the teenagers followed them.

She said: "I had locked all the doors and put the kids to bed and at about 12.45am they started taunting us again while we were in our caravan.

"I went out and asked them what their problem with us was.

"We were just on our holiday and wanted to be left alone. Then the bottles started flying."

The woman said she was hit on the back of the head and, out of instinct, gave chase.

"When she returned to the caravan, she said her partner was unconscious after being attacked with a broken bottle.

She said: "The kids were absolutely frantic and screaming. She had to have 13 stitches and fractured her skull.

"It was terrifying."

A spokesman at the caravan park said: "Two people were arrested following the attack on the two women and their families were asked to leave the site.

"The management have got a full security report and are monitoring the situation."

Police said today two teenagers were arrested and taken to Wrexham police station where they were questioned and later released on police bail until October 18.