A DARWEN teenager has been chosen as a winner in the Bodyform Career Awards 2001.

Felicity Coulthard,16, of Essex Street, Darwen, who suffers from cerebral palsy beat off stiff competition from 1,000 other entrants to become one of 17 winners to receive a share of the £25,000 fund. She impressed the judges with her determination to find funding to redevelop her riding skills after a serious accident. Prior to that she had represented the North West and Pendle area of the Riding for the Disabled Association at national championship level.

Felicity said: "I would like to thank Bodyform Career Awards for giving me the opportunity to move towards re-building my riding career which will pay for my training costs over the next twelve months.

"I haven't been in the saddle since my accident which was over twelve months ago, and before that I was riding every day.

"I am very aware that it is going to be jolly hard work to get back to the standard of riding where I will be qualifying for championships again -- having said that, I am really looking forward to riding again as it is so important to me and I must admit that I will enjoy the challenge."

Now in its third successful year, the Bodyform Career Awards is a national scheme set up by SCA Hygiene Products (the makers of Bodyform) to help individuals from a range of different backgrounds achieve their careers goals and ambitions.

Felicity will travel to the Bodyform Careers Awards in London on October 19 to attend an awards presentation from Bodyform and the judges.