A PIONEERING project to help elderly people stay living in their own homes in Rossendale is celebrating its tenth anniversary.

Over the years the Rossendale Age Concern Care and Repair Project has carried out nearly 2,000 jobs worth more than £2million.

It has helped many older people stay living at home by bringing their house up to a good standard by working in partnership with Rossendale Council, the social services department and the East Lancashire Health Authority.

Geraldine Moore, chief officer for Age Concern Lancashire, is delighted at the scheme's success over the years. She said: "The connection between poor health and inadequate housing is well known, as is the connection between poor housing conditions, low income, social isolation and lower life expectancy. We have found that many older home owners with to remain living independently in their own homes.

"Our work at Rossendale Care and Repair plays a vital role in helping to ensure that these homes are in good repair and suitably adapted to meet individual needs. Our committed and enthusiastic team of project staff are constantly striving to provide a quality service, and by working in partnership with other agencies, their efforts enable many older people to live a more independent life at home."

In the last year the scheme received more than £1,200 and completed work valued at more than £312,000.

And the comments from people who have been helped through the scheme speak volumes.

"I am 70, a widow and have no children to help me. I would not ask anyone else as some are cowboys and just want your money," said one, while another commented,

"Care and Repair! Marvellous, I could not have done the job without you."

Anyone wanting to know more can call 01706 877294.