MUSLIM leaders have made a fresh appeal for calm in the wake of strikes on Afghanistan by the US and Britain.

Faruq Mangera, general secretary of the Bolton Council of Mosques, asked people in the town not to react to the military attacks.

He said: "People should respect the law of the land. This action is taking place thousands of miles away from this town and we do not yet have comprehensive reports from Afghanistan."

Mr Mangera expressed concern at what he called "the velocity of attacks on Afghanistan" and he said the hearts of the Muslim community were with those in the Middle East.

"Just as we prayed for the victims of the terrorist attacks on America, we will pray for those in Afghanistan," he said before adding: "Bullets will not resolve the underlying issue and we hope with all our hearts that civilian casualties are kept to an absolute minimum."

He told the BEN he was surprised by the military action so far.

His words were echoed by Arif Patel, from the North-west branch of the national Muslim organisation Sunni Dawata Islami.

Mr Patel said: "I feel there could have been a better solution. The Allies are just after Osama bin Laden but other people will inevitably be killed. I hope the outcome of all this will be good."