A 17 YEAR-old girl was sexually assaulted by a gang of men in a town centre alleyway after a night out.

The incident happened at around 1am Sunday in an alleyway between Blackburn's Old Town Hall and Northgate.

Police spent yesterday questioning the girl about what DS Paul Murphy, of Blackburn CID, said was a 'serious sexual assault'.

And he appealed for anyone in the area at the time to come forward to help them catch the offenders.

They alleyway was cordoned off early yesterday while police forensic officers combed the scene.

Margaret Grimshaw, who owns several Blackburn town centre pubs, said she was shocked by the incident involving a girl not old enough to drink -- but said many bars had been given late night licences which attracted a younger cliental.

She said: "There aren't enough adults about. There's a lot of police about but they cannot go down every alleyway.

"We would like to help but all we can do is ask young girls to stick to the main streets where you can be seen."

Detective Sergeant Paul Murphy said: "At 1am yesterday morning there was an incident in a back alleyway adjacent to the Old Town Hall and Northgate where a 17-year-old female was subjected to a serious sexual assault.

"As a result of that incident we are appealing for any witnesses who know the identity of the offenders or witnessed the incident.

"We are aware there were a number of people on Northgate and surrounding areas at that time and appeal for them to come forward."

Anyone with information should call Blackburn CID on 01254 353569 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.