Accrington Stanley? Who are they? Championship winners of the Lancashire Combination League in 1903 and 1906 -- that's who!

And leisure bosses have joined forces with the club to ensure that the question immortalised in a famous TV ad will never need to be asked again.

They have produced a glossy colour leaflet packed with information about the famous football team from 1876 to the present day.

This includes the ups and downs of the club as well as information on the new Stanley Sports Shop and the other groups who use the club's facilities.

It gives a brief history of Accrington FC -- known affectionately as 'Th'owd Reds" -- who were founder members of the Football League in 1888 before their demise in 1896.

It then picks up with the birth of Accrington Stanley when another local team, Stanley Villa, changed their name in 1893. Again the luck ran out and the combination of poor results and falling gates left the team owing large amounts of money, which forced them to resign from the Football League in 1962.

The present team formed in 1968 and played their first game -- against Formby Town -- in 1970, which they won 3-1.

The leaflets, with the full history of Accrington Stanley, are now available from Accrington information Centre in the town hall and Accrington Stanley's Crown Ground.

The line "Accrington Stanley, who are they?" was included in the famous 1980s TV advert, with two young Scouse lads comparing the club's downturn in fortunes to a player who doesn't drink milk.

A total of 20,000 leaflets have been published by the tourism section of Hyndburn leisure services in association with Accrington Stanley and are part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

Frank Martindale, director of Accrington Stanley, and Hyndburn Council leader Peter Britcliffe, launched the brochures in a match sponsored by Hyndburn Borough Council last Wednesday.

Coun Britcliffe said: "The glossy leaflet is a wonderful idea and packed full of interesting information which I'm sure the public will find useful."

John De Maine, commercial director for Accrington Stanley, said: "We are very happy with the leaflets and hope that they will help to promote the club."

"Accrington Stanley has always been for the people of Accrington and its district and the directors do it for them as they don't make a penny from it.

"Everybody is welcome there and we would like people to come along, have a look around and support their town team."

To encourage new supporters and make the team accessible to more people, the club is offering free tickets to local schools and organisations and free use of the club for charity functions. For full details call 01254 383235.