THE Bury Times today publishes an open letter from Bury FC chairman Terry Robinson.

In it he gives an insight into why the proposed takeover by prospective owner Alex Tarsus is no nearer fruition and indicates that there could be some rough seas ahead as the club's financial situation deteriorates.

Mr Robinson also issues a plea to all in the town to help get behind the club during this difficult time and asks fans to stick together until the deal can be finalised, hopefully sooner rather than later.

RECENT press reports regarding the sale of Hugh Eaves shares broadly summarise the ongoing problems.

It is difficult to accept any kind of explanation when the survival of the club depends on decisions outside the control of the club and fans.

Although the club has suffered adverse publicity we have continually encouraged and cajoled the plaintiffs and their solicitors, the prospective purchasers' accountants, Mr Eaves and his solicitors to no avail. The major sticking point appears to be the plaintiffs reluctance to complete a sale which involves a payment of Mr Eaves' loans without having the support of the High Court in determining whether it is a lawful transaction.

This requirement has been a major debating issue after we believed it would not be necessary.

However, we have been informed that a petition is to be presented to the High Court for decision by the Master handling the affairs.

What can we do as directors and supporters?

Unfortunately unpleasant decisions may have to be made by the board which may not be universally supported.

The cash flow situation becomes a major problem and certain short term measures may be necessary.

Fans can play their part by continuing supporting the club. Without regular income from all areas the task of running the club becomes increasingly difficult.

It is widely known that there is a willing party who has satisfied the sellers of their intent.

We therefore must ensure the club is in a condition to sell when the legal ramifications have been sorted out.

The whole episode has gone on far too long for the wellbeing of Bury FC.

It has been a particularly difficult time for the board, management, players, but most of all the supporters, who are, by circumstances, left to speculate on the whys and wherefores.

The club belongs to the town and financial help from all sources is required.

The local council have reviewed all the information submitted by the club on the types of financial assistance received by other clubs.

They remain in contact with the directors and will continue to review the situation.

The support of sponsors and the need for everyone to support them is imperative.

We cannot let anything undermine the task in front of us.