A DRINK driver who had had four pints of beer thought he would be fit to get behind the wheel, a court heard.

Burnley magistrates were told how Howard Davies, 39, thought he would be under the limit but the lowest of two tests showed 56 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath -- the legal limit is 35.

Davies, of Kay Street, Padiham, admitted driving with excess alcohol and not having insurance.

He was banned from driving for 12 months, fined £120 and must pay £55 costs.

Andy Robinson, prosecuting, said Davies was driving a van and pulled out of a street almost directly in front of a police car, causing it to brake sharply.

The officer followed Davies's vehicle, noticed one of his rear lights was defective and he was stopped and pulled over.

It was noticed he smelled of alcohol.

Davies was asked if he had been drinking and said he had had a few pints.

He was taken to the police station and breath tested.

Rachel Hodgson, defending, said Davies had drunk four pints and believed he was all right to drive and would be under the limit.

He had only had the vehicle for a couple of weeks and had not got round to insuring it.

He accepted the seriousness of what might have happened.

Mrs Hodgson said the defendant fully accepted he was going to be banned but disqualification was not going to affect him too harshly.