CONTROVERSIAL planning application to attach more antennae and a dish to the Pendle Forest transmitter station at Newchurch-in-Pendle has been put on hold until councillors have had the opportunity to do more research.

The plans submitted by NTL were for a two dipole antennae, a two log periodic antennae and 0.6 metre dish at various heights on the transmitter station, in Spenbrook Road.

They had been recommended for approval by the council's planning department.

But following complaints from residents about potential health risks, members of the Barrowford and Western Parishes Committee decided to defer their decision.

The two dipole antennae and dish would be used for the transmission of digital audio broadcasting signals while the two log periodic antennae would be used for TV reception.

This would mean only two would be transmitting radio signals, as the others would be receiving signals.

Ten letters of objection from six houses were submitted to the council on the grounds that the proposal would "aggravate the already over-prominent impact of the tower in the area of outstanding natural beauty", and additional radio emissions could result in greater perceived health risk.

A report to the committee said that none of the antennae proposed by the applicants would relate to the BT Airwave TETRA system, which had been a major concern for the residents.

Ntl submitted a hazard report which said that, using pessimistic assumptions, the total effect of all the transmissions from the existing and the proposed antennae would be less than 20 per cent of the maximum levels recommended in national and international guidelines

The company also said they would carry out a full survey of the emissions after installation which they believe will actually demonstrate lower levels than their calculations show.