FIVE years of campaigning finally paid off after a demolition crew started the task of flattening a derelict block of flats hated by residents.

Locals cheered when the first bricks were dislodged from the 16 Chapel Street flats, Rishton. Residents said the deserted flats had acted as a magnet for vandals and disruptive youngsters, and Rishton area council gave the go-ahead earlier this year to have them bulldozed.

Most of the flats have been empty for more than two years and residents had complained to councillors about vandalism, fly tipping and juvenile nuisances in the area.

Chairman of Rishton area council Coun June Butler said: "I am absolutely delighted these flats are going to be demolished. They have been such a problem over the years. I would also like to pay tribute to my colleague Ann Scaife, who has worked tirelessly to achieve this result."

And Coun Scaife said: "The community has been trying for more than five years to get this job done and I have been involved in the campaign since I became a councillor two years ago."

A question mark hangs over the future of the land where the flats stood, with local opinion clashing. Of the 105 people who contacted the council, 44 people said they wanted a community centre, and 29 were in favour of a play area.

Other locals wanted garages, a garden, car park, shop, and one even suggested selling the land to private developers.

Anybody who wants to contribute to the debate on the future of the site should call Steve Watson on 01254 380121.