IT WAS supposed to be a fortnight's break after a frantic start to the season. Yet over the course of last weekend, the Clarets took up more column inches than ever.

John Mullin sold to Rotherham, Dimitri Papadopolous appearing for the Greek Under 21s, and Glen Little allegedly off to Manchester City for £4.5 million.

Where to start?

The first thing to say about the sale of Mullin is that it is a good deal for the player and his new club. It is no secret that the 26-year-old was growing increasingly frustrated at his lack of first team opportunities at Turf Moor, and Ronnie Moore has all but guaranteed him that which he craves most. With that guarantee, do not be surprised to see his career blossom.

Ironically, it was Mullin's versatility which ultimately proved his undoing. In his time at Burnley, he was deployed anywhere across the midfield or as a striker. Whilst this meant he was useful to plug the gaps in times of injury or suspension, he never made one position his own, with the result that he rarely got a decent run in the side.

Whether Mullins' departure is good for Burnley is more debatable. The timing is certainly unfortunate. The continued absence of Little and Moore leaves Burnley short of genuine attacking midfielders.

It may of course be, that the hasty and cheap sale of the player was to free up a wage for a new signing. Time will tell. Whatever, good luck to John at Millmoor.

In the meantime, Glen Little's name continues to be linked with other clubs, Manchester City being the latest potential suitors. Encouragingly, both clubs have denied any knowledge of the alleged deal. Not that any of this is much good for the supporters' nerves. Still, both Kilby and Ternent have publicly said they are trying to build, not destroy a squad. Let's hope so.

On a happier note, many Burnley supporters got their first opportunity to see Dimitri Papadopolous in action for a full 90 minutes, playing for the Greek Under 21s on Friday. Despite a lack of support from midfield, the striker gave a good account of himself -- pacey, lively and most notably winning and converting a penalty.

If he can replicate his efforts in the Claret and Blue, we'll all be happy. Let's hope he can do just that at Notts Forest on Saturday.