WORRA lorra courage little Chantelle Ryan has.

The Burnley burns victim, who still has to wear a plastic mask to protect her face, was presented with an autographed photograph of celebrity Cilla Black to add to her impressive collection.

When he heard that Chantelle enjoyed watching Cilla on television, local takeaway owner Abdul Razaq decided to give her the signed Cilla photo from his shop in Accrington Road.

She already has a vast collection of signed photos and autographs at her home in Venice Avenue, Burnley. The Cilla snap, signed with 'a lorra, lorra love,' from Cilla will now take a prominent place on her bedroom wall.

Abdul, owner of Raz's takeaway, said: "I raise money for children's charities each Christmas and have photos donated by a number of stars. When I heard that Chantelle particularly liked Cilla, I agreed to present it to her."

Chantelle's mum Roseann, said: "I write off to celebrities for Chantelle and she now has a collection of about 1,000 autographs, some with photos. The most recent have come from Michael Barrymore and Steve Davies.

"Our favourite is boxer Prince Naseem, who still keeps in regular touch. He is her idol."

Chantelle suffered horrific injuries in a fire at her home, then in Abel Street, Burnley, in 1997, when she was just 14 months old.

She sustained terrible injuries when the blaze, which started in her bedroom, caused polystyrene ceiling tiles to melt and drip on to her tiny body as she slept in her cot.

She 'died' five times, but now attends a normal class at Coal Clough primary school.

She still needs to attend Booth Hall Children's Hospital, in Manchester, every six weeks and is currently having a new face mask made for her.

Roseann said: "She is a clever and happy little girl. She still suffers from some unkind remarks from other children, but I have told her to reply with "I am pretty behind my mask, you are not".

"I have told her she is bonny and that has worked. She is doing well. Her legs and body have healed and the experts are still working on her head and hands."

Roseann added: "Everybody is Burnley has been lovely. Chantelle is doing well at school and the teachers are brilliant."