A NEW community centre -- which sparked controversy when eight historic stained glass windows were put up for sale to help pay for it -- is to open this weekend.

The windows at Christ Church Accrington -- paid for by eminent local families like the Bulloughs -- were advertised for sale on the internet to raise funds for the centre but the move prompted a storm of protest from historians.

Eventually the sale was refused at a special church court hearing last Christmas which decided that a church should not be able to sell its historic treasures no matter how good the cause.

But vicar of the church off Manchester Road, the Rev Kevin Logan, was not to be beaten and rallied everyone around to raise the cash in other ways.

The completed base will have cost in the region of £150,000 and fundraising is still continuing for but generous parishioners and locals have already come up with more than £40,000.

Further funds were allocated through Accrington area council and the Lancashire Environmental Fund and it is hoped that a bid for £51,000 from the Hyndburn European bonanza fund will also be approved.

The stained glass windowed area has been turned into a lounge suite which will be hired out to help bring further funds into the church.

Mr Logan said: "We decided to sell off the windows because we thought the needs of the community were more important than retaining the riches of the church but they wouldn't let us.

"Now we have got the best of both worlds -- we have the community base and a lounge in the centre of the windows.

"And the local history group which objected to their sale has even volunteered to clean them for us.

"This whole idea first came about after a meeting with the Bishop of Blackburn when we carried out a parish audit to get to know the community and decide how the church could help.

"We had a lot of home-alone pensioners and children -- especially in the holidays -- so the need for a play group, luncheon club and holiday club was obvious.

"The process has been fun and we are extremely grateful to everyone who has helped"

The first of the clubs will open in the new year followed by a nursery and after school club at Easter.

But the celebrations of the progress so far will begin on Saturday with an open day from 10am until 1pm followed by American line dancing in Christ Church's new lounge between 7pm and 9.30pm including a chicken and chips supper.

On Sunday there will be the church's harvest festival with children of the parish leading a service of thanksgiving and rededication from 10.30am.