A FED-UP Leigh motorist has written to me regarding 'an accident waiting to happen'.

He is referring to work on Holden Road, at the corners of Charles Street and Bond Street, and challenges drivers to try to emerge from these streets.

He asks: "Why can't the brain-dead people responsible for roads keep traffic flowing instead of clogging it up? You can see what's going to happen, all the traffic will start to using the other streets not fitted with footpath extensions.

"Hanover Street is like a racetrack now. You only have to look at that Nemisis on Princes Avenue going from Astley to Tyldesley as a bad example."

I couldn't agree more, and there are now chicanes appearing on Leigh Road and Hamilton Street, Atherton, narrowing the road by one-third.

As for Princes Avenue, those four extended sleeping policemen are a nightmare.

Negotiating my little Ka over is bad enough. I certainly wouldn't like to drive a low-slung vehicle over them.

I just can't understand the logic behind narrowing roads at a time when traffic is increasing.