POLITICIANS talk about how to tackle the ever-growing threat posed by international terrorism. What about the "terrorism" that takes place every day in almost every community in every borough in the country?

Police admit that 60 per cent of their calls are to deal with the youths responsible for this terrorism. They also admit that they are unable to do anything about it.

That is no longer acceptable!

These cowardly pests and thugs continually target and terrorise the most vulnerable in our society; the old, the weak, those unable to fight back. I was visiting a friend recently and she almost broke down and wept with fright when I knocked on the door. She is a pensioner whose husband still works. It is when he is at work that these cowardly "low lifes" attack their property. They throw the gravel from her garden at her front window. They kick the front door. It is only one example of the hundreds that take place on a regular basis here in Bury.

Only this week, on behalf of the majority of residents in my own community, I have had to complain, in writing, to parents regarding the disgusting behaviour of their offspring over the past seven years. People continually tell me there are those who are tackling this problem. Obviously, they are not having any success.

I have written letters of complaint to the Greater Manchester Policy Authority, Chief Superintendent Phil Hollowood at Divisional Headquarters, Bury, and the Chief Constable, Mr David Wilmot. I will also be writing a letter of complaint to Bury MBC. I am trying to ascertain if any department or councillor is willing to accept responsibility, or to try to solve these problems, before law-abiding citizens, such as the husband of the victim mentioned above, find themselves in court for trying to defend their property or retain their sanity.