ALTHOUGH like many other people I condemn outright the terrorist actions in America, I cannot approve of the attack on Afghanistan by the so-called alliance and the use of hi-tech military weapons against a rag-tag Third World country with no infrastructure, no food and cities devastated by years of war with Russia.

There appears to be something sinister about the actions and motives of Blair, Bush and Co.

The hypocrisy and fawning of both church leaders and foreign politicians beggars belief. This is not a war, but plain murder of innocent citizens to get at a few misguided zealots.

Terrorism will never be stamped out with bombs and bullets, but will only exacerbate the situation, resulting in the deaths of many more people.

Today it's Afghanistan. Which country is nextWhat is the next country on the alliance's hit list?

T SIMPSON, Sycamore Avenue, Burnley.