ALTHOUGH the tragic events of September 11 have saddened me deeply, my heart has been touched by how many people throughout the world, regardless of religion or ethnic background, have sent America their support, either financially or in prayers.

My husband is British -- from Burnley -- living in America because of me. I am glad to see that his country has locked arms with mine to help us overcome this great tragedy.

My heart ached as we watched the beginning of the Sunderland v Tottenham football match on TV when one minute's silence was observed in remembrance of those lost in the USA and they displayed our American flag on the field.

The crowd went completely silent. No-one moved. Some cried. Most lowered their heads, hats and eyes and thought possibly about those Brits who lost their lives in the World Trade Centre and perhaps more of them who were American.

The spooky silence reduced me to tears. At the end, when the referee blew his whistle, again it was beautiful as the silence continued for a moment longer.

Thank you for your kind thoughts. On behalf of my family, my children, and the world we all unite, we offer you a kind, warm hug and wish you and your families the very best life can offer.

MICHELLE BENTLEY, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.