WEST Ham boss Glenn Roeder was due to hold crisis talks with his players today in the wake of their 7-1 mauling at Ewood.

The sorry Hammers slumped to their heaviest ever Premiership defeat just a fortnight on from their 5-0 drubbing at Everton.

But the under pressure West Ham chief refused to discuss his own position as he started the postmortem.

"It's probably not the right time to be talking about that just now barely an hour or so after the game," said Roeder.

"The first thing we need to do is get together tomorrow morning behind closed doors and have a heart-to-heart because that ended up being an embarrassing defeat for the whole club.

"We got punished for individual errors, certainly for the first two goals anyway.

"And although we got back in it just before half time to make it 3-1, we then missed two great chances which could have seen us pull it back to 3-2.

"Once the fourth goal went in our approach then became far too cavalier as we tried to chase the game but Blackburn were uncatchable by then.

"Obviously, the sending off certainly didn't help, especially as Thomas was the one defender who had done particularly well.

"Before his red card he was virtually holding the defence together on his own."